Mission Medical School and Hospital at Manipay was founded in 1847 by Dr Samuel Green an American missionary doctor.
In a state of disrepair in 2004 (following years of civil war) the hospital has been revived with charitable help from Friends of Manipay Hospital UK .


The following services now are functional.

  • 24 hour service: The addition of new doctors has made it possible to offer a 24 hour urgent care service.
  • Nurses’ Training:  This has been re-established and is going well.
  • Programmes,  Health Care Assistant  Training Course is run from the Hospital.
  • Physiotherapy: A fully equipped, Physiotherapy service now functions with a full time qualified Physiotherapist.
  • In-patient Facility: A limited in-patient facility is now operational to serve patients who require short term admission.
  • Consultations: Specialists in Surgery, Cardiology, Dermatology and Medicine visit daily for consultations

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GMH Governing Council

Friends of Manipay Hospital

Sources of Friends of Manipay Hospital Donations and Funds

Expenditure Report - FOMH

GMH Annual Report 2024

A message from charities Friends of Manipay Hospital UK, Ride4Ceylon and Institute of Medical Sciences, on the occasion of
Dr.Samuel Green’s 200th Birth anniversary 

Our three charities wish to commemorate the founding of Green Hospital in Manipay in the nineteenth century by Dr. Samuel Fisk Green who was born on October 10, 1822 at Green Hill, USA. As a qualified doctor he arrived in Ceylon on October 6, 1847. On this day, we also commemorate the 175th anniversary of Dr Green’s landing in Point Pedro, Ceylon.

Friends of Manipay Hospital (FOMH) charity was founded in 2005 to revive the Green Memorial Hospital from its war-damaged, dilapidated state. The American Ceylon Medical Mission (ACM) in Jaffna began in 1819 and Green Hospital, Manipay was started by Dr Samuel Green in 1847 along with a medical school (American Mission Medical School), the first medical school in Ceylon. Colombo Medical School was established 20 years later in 1870 and gradually the Manipay Medical School was wound down and closed. However, the Green Memorial Hospital continued to serve the local community until it became unsustainable during the 30 year civil war in Sri Lanka.

FOMH trustees together with leading medical clinicians in Jaffna established the Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS) in 2014 to rescue and revive Green Memorial Hospital which was at the time almost at the point of closure. The Institute of Medical Sciences became the local delivery partner for FOMH charity and from small beginnings restored clinical services at Green Hospital and runs niche services such as free Family Medicine and Paediatrics as well as in-patient neuro-rehabilitation. IMS provides training for school leavers to become healthcare professionals and at the beginning helped orphanages by taking in children who had to leave orphanages on reaching 18 years of age.

Ride4Ceylon is an entity that was initially started as a brand for fundraising by FOMH in March 2018. It has now organised itself as an independent charity based in Sri Lanka as from August 2021. It is run by a committee headed by David Rasiah, Nishantha Abeywardene and Sriomal De Silva. FOMH has raised substantial funds through Ride4Ceylon to revive and restore Green Memorial Hospital and make it a proper hospital.

Prof Rajendra Surenthirakumar (Dean of Jaffna Medical Faculty of the University of Jaffna) who was founding President of IMS is also the Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board for GMH. He is ably supported by several medical trustees including Dr Coonghe - Senior Lecturer in Community Medicine at the University of Jaffna, Consultant Family Physician Dr Kumaran - Senior Lecturer in Family Medicine at University of Jaffna, Dr Premakrishna, a senior Consultant Anaesthetist at Jaffna Teaching Hospital, D Mathivaananan - Consultant General Surgeon at Jaffna Teaching Hospital, Dr Kandeepan - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Jaffna Teaching Hospital and a former Medical Director of Jaffna Teaching Hospital, Dr Nachinarkinian. IMS Trust is registered as a not-for-profit entity in Sri Lanka. The charitable services we provide are mostly free or provided at minimal cost and available to anybody in need, irrespective of any social divisions they may belong to.

In the last decade, Green Memorial Hospital has been transformed beyond recognition, and provides a valuable service to the people of Jaffna. The Jaffna Diocese of the Church of South India (JDCSI), in providing the land lease together with the buildings that FOMH renovated to bring into clinical use, with their far-sighted vision, Ride4Ceylon who have raised funds for FOMH and IMS who provide the clinical services, can all indeed be enormously proud of this great achievement.

The tripartite partnership of JDCSI with the Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS) and the fund raiser charity in Sri Lanka - Ride4Ceylon all working together demonstrates ‘Par excellence’ at Green Memorial Hospital, that when people of every persuasion, creed and culture come together in common endeavour, the final product is far greater than the sum of its parts.

The Trustees of FOMH, IMS and Ride4Ceylon receive no remuneration and provide their time and expertise voluntarily. FOMH, Ride4Ceylon and the Institute of Medical Sciences are three co-equal charities working to preserve a great Ceylonese Heritage founded by Dr Samuel Green in 1847 at Manipay. Prof Jayantha Arnold MBBS, FRCP (London) and Mr Anandan Arnold FCCA, PG Dip Oxford Trustees - Friends of Manipay Hospital Registered UK charity.(Read More . . .)

Ride for Ceylon

Ride4Ceylon began in 2017 as RidersforCharity, a sponsored charity cycle ride through Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon), the tear drop shaped island at the foot of India.The brainchild of a group of Old Boys of St Thomas’ College in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the charity aims to rebuild lives and communities devastated by three decades of civil war. Passionate to make a contribution to Sri Lanka’s future, the Old Boys with friends around the world, were inspired to redevelop and expand the historic Manipay Green Hospital, in the war-gutted region of Jaffna. And so, the idea of a 400km charity cycle ride from the capital city of Colombo to Jaffna was born.The Manipay Green Hospital had long served the local community of Jaffna, located in the far north of the island. Thirty years of civil war had broken the region’s facilities, community and lives, leaving shattered pieces of a once-thriving region. The chance to rebuild the hospital and expand its services offered a compelling cause, both to meet a real need and revive a community rent physically and emotionally by war.

Rehabilitation of GMH trough 8 years of IMS

The development of the Institute of Medical Science (IMS), and assisting Green Memorial Hospital (GMH) in its revival.

You can donate by visiting ride4ceylon Website

Read more at:    http://www.ride4ceylon.com

We opted for a cycle ride as a visible and practical means to raise awareness, funds and momentum for the hospital; symbolically, it represents so much more. Riding across the scars of this troubled land, from its southern capital city to its war-devastated north, the ride signifies a coast-to-coast process of healing, unity and hope for broken communities and their descendants.

The inaugural ride took place in  February 2017 comprising 6 riders. The 2017 ride supported neuro – rehabilitation and complete renovation of Nurses’ living accommodation known Willis Pierce Nursing School at Green Memorial Hospital.

In 2018 there were 25  riders. In 2018 donations  included support for alcohol rehabilitation  and funds for the new Gabriella Rasiah Paediatric unit by rebuilding Selllamuttu Block at Green Memorial Hospital, in memory of rider David Rasiah’s daughter, who died tragically at age of 17 in July 2017. In  2020 about 50      riders participated.

Ride4ceylon committee led by Nishantha Abeywardena, Sriomal De Silva and David Rasiah and supported by Friends of Manipay Hospital Trustees, the ride4ceylon team will run annual cycle rides from late February to early March and always keen to hear from supporters, volunteers and riders.

We’d welcome your support, whatever your interest or contribution and wherever you are. If you’d like to be involved either as a rider, donator or campaigner – or simply to find out more – do get in touch at: ride4ceylon@gmail.com.
Why not come along for the ride and help to return Sri Lanka to paradise…

Russell Arnold International cricketer stepped down as Brand Ambassador for ride4ceylon at end of 2020

Cycle Ride 2023

Support Green Memorial Hospital – Manipay Hospital – Jaffna

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Our Charitable Institution serves the local community


Your money is well spent at Manipay Hospital, every penny, rupee, cent and shilling goes directly to helping the hospital.


Land donation will keep the hospital alive long after we have gone. Equipment saves time and helps heal with accuracy.


We know you don't have the time; but we know you have the heart